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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Stolen Streets of McCluskiegunj

Hi folks!
Many streets/roads that existed within the colonies of McCluskiegunj in the initial time have been captured by local residents since many years and they claim the same to be part of their own land.
The captured roads remained unknown to most of the population here because of the replacements of generations. The roads and/or streets that are now being used to move within the place are also as old as the captured.
Being a vast and open place with scattered bungalows, there was plenty of vacant land to move around without any objection from the landlords, hence nobody considered it necessary to stop the roads from being walled off then. Now, the owners of the said temporary roads have started building as per their needs which is making it inconvenient for public who have to walk the extra bit.
It is import to get back the roads from them who think that nobody knows of their deeds or nobody is concerned for the same.
After all, its public property!

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